Episode I

A journey to contribute

Today is , about days had pass since i written this.

A brief introduction of myself. My name is Presley. I'm from a tropical country called Malaysia. English is not my first language so please excuse me if there is gramma mistake here and there.

Speaking about language i never good at them even for my own native language. I know 3 human languages namely English, Malay&Chinese and 5 programming languages i.e. C, C++, Javascript, Ruby& Python.

It has been a while i want to contribute to open source project but i'm not sure how, where and when to start until stumble across this project during hacktoberfest 2017 event. I read the ReadMe file and it seem to be beginner friendly project. So i think to myself why not give it a try? So there you are i created this page :)

That's it for now. I will leave you an annoying button to keep you company...